05 April 2007

Domain Names are Important

Even my dog now has his own domain name - this is not just a whim of an indulgent pet owner, there is a reason why we did this. Kevin the Collie has had a dog training blog for almost a year and we set up a blogspot blog at first, but in the longer term his own domain name will make a big difference to search engine results. The domain name also improves his chances of being paid for posting on his blog and linking to other sites. A domain name costs less than $10 a year, which soon pays for itself and helps keep him in dog biscuits.

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At 12:44 pm, Blogger Marianne said...

I have actually seen Kevin the Collie on line!! What a creative idea. Thanks so much for this tip. I try to really be careful when selecting a domain name, but this has given me some new ideas.

Thanks for the post,


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